Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Low Self Esteem In Children - Recognizing The Signs And Symptoms

Study has shown that low self esteem children are tend to have learning difficulty, lower satisfaction in life, and experience more loneliness, depression, anxiety and violence. Low self esteem in children can be developed in early age if they are being brought up in a negative environment.

Are your child a victim of low self esteem? How can parents, caregivers or teachers know whether the children are suffering from low self esteem?

Below are some of the common signs and symptoms of low self esteem in children:

1. A low self esteem child often makes negative statements such as "I know I can’t do it right", "I know that I will fail", "Who cares?" and "Nobody care about me anyway".

2. Children with low self esteem seem discouraged in learning and reluctant to attend school.

3. A low self esteem child gives up too easily and often gives excuses such as boredom or tiredness.

4. Low self esteem children have the tendency to blame themselves exclusively when things go wrong. Basically, they cannot cope with failures.

5. Child with low self esteem usually walks with head and eyes down focused on the ground.

6. Low self esteem children have difficulty in admitting wrong. They tend to lie to enhance self importance.

7. Children with low self esteem, most of the time, cannot get along well with others.

Children are not born with low self esteem. Self esteem in children are developed through what their parents, caregivers or teachers think of them as well as what they think about themselves. Low self esteem is also a solvable problem. Thus, as parents, it is important to be aware of the signs of low self esteem in children. If you suspect your child's self esteem is low, you can seek professional help.

If you want the solution to low self esteem now, you can get a copy of The Complete Self Esteem Workbook!


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